Malachi 2 notes
Malachi 2 notes V1 Not taking things to heart or taking things seriously was their main problem. V3 Losing Phineas blessing. Numbers 25. Aaron begat Eleazar. Eleazar baguette Phineas. V4 DID NOT revere Gods reputation V8 Using Gods word for personal gain V10 Spiritual pride of priests V11 Worshipped other god V15 Committing adultery V16 Divorcing for pleasure Ch3v1 Behold my messenger is coming to clean you out Ch3v2 He comes with fire to purify, like soap to clean the filthy people out of Yahweh's house. See Jesus clears temple. ______________________________ World events around 400bc [ ] Persians versus Greeks Jews probably in transition of siding with the Greeks I'm getting away from the persians. No matter who is rolling over them they don't want them to they are very small nation that just returned to being a nation. They want to become a great nation like in the time of King David but they need to turn their heart to the Lord so that they can get a good leader wi...